Camp Kirkwood

It was a rainy day when we left for Camp Kirkwood. All the 6th graders’ bags piled in front of the gateway. It started with a game of Lovett says and then we were off to camp. The ride was at least 2 hours, but the movie The Zookeeper kept us all busy. When we got to camp we all got out of the bus and grabbed each other’s bags from the back of the bus and brought them to the pavilion. Afterwards, we grabbed our bags and followed our advisor to our cabins. We all put our stuff down, made our beds, and soon we were off to lunch. 

Lunch that day was a turkey and cheese sandwich on a burger bun and a bag of chips. The sandwich looked small but it was filling. We went back to our cabins and changed into our bathing suits for the pool. They organized us into groups. My group was group 6. Our first activity was kanga jump. It was a big colorful trampoline on the ground. It was a lot of fun! Next, pool time! The first thing we had to do before we got into the water was take swim tests. We got in a line near the deep end and took turns taking the swim test 1 by 1. It was annoying but definitely worth it.

Soon it was dinner! Dinner that night was spaghetti and meat sauce with garlic bread. The garlic bread was great. I didn’t love the spaghetti. After, we walked in the pouring rain back to our cabins for showers and a good night of sleep.

I woke up at least at 6:30 in the morning on the second day of camp, got up and went to get changed in the bathrooms. I glanced down through the window and all I saw was the lake. The water covered what used to be land and the bottom of a tree.

Soon most people were up. After everyone changed we headed out to breakfast a little bit later than usual because of the rain. The breakfast was eggs, bacon, and  croissants. It was a good start to the day. The first thing we did after breakfast was over was get with our groups and head to a different cabin with an advisor to play board games. 

Forest ecology was next. We learned a lot about nature and different types of forests. After,  we had kanga jump and then pool time. Lunch was finally here! The lunch was chili dogs.

After, it was time to hang out with our cabin mates/classmates back at our cabins and then dinner! Dinner that night was green beans, Mac and cheese, and bread. Yum! Group 6 (my group) did not get to do the V swing so we all ate dinner fast and headed to V swing while everyone was having cake for the people who had birthdays. They brought cake to us at the V swing while everyone was taking turns on it. I ended up not going on the V swing because I decided I didn’t want to do it. At the end of the day everyone all walked through the woods, near the lake and sat down on the benches and had delicious s’mores!

I woke up on the third day. We were leaving today. We still had to fit some activities in the morning before we left because we didn’t have time to do it on the first or second day. Our first activity after breakfast was canoeing. Four people were on the canoe at the same time. My group made a chant. “MMCE we will beat you in our sleep MMCE we will beat on the sea!” The beginning was MMCE because those were the first letters of our names. We canoed for 1 hour and then on to zip lining!

I was one of the 4th or 5th people to go on the zip line.Two people went on at the same time so I went with one of my friends. I think my favorite part was the climb up to the zip line. You had to climb up a rope ladder and up an actual ladder in a rope tunnel. Then you were finally up at the zip line. The zip line went over the lake so people were canoeing under you. Camp Kirkwood was a great experience! I would definitely go back!

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